Limescale Problems and Quick Solutions to These Problems

Causes of Limescale Problems

Heating systems such as hot-water boilers and kettles always develop a hard and chalky deposit on their heating surfaces. This deposit is referred to as Limescale, and is formed by calcium carbonate present in the water. The amount of deposition is normally directly proportional to the concentration of the calcium carbonate.

The direct effects of Limescale problems include; damage to the system’s components and general reduction in operation levels. Heating systems should therefore be well maintained to prevent this deposition. You can find further information at the Water Guide website

Limescale Problems Continue reading

The Effects of Limescale on Health

Effects of Limescale on Health - Tap Water

In the UK, about 60% of the country is affected by hard water. According to Eco Water, ‘Hard water is caused by rain water picking up hard minerals as it percolates through rocks such as chalk and limestone.’ The UK maintains strict quality regulations to ensure safe water for human consumption, however the quality will depend on the region you live in. The hard water postcode check helps identify the type of water in a particular area. Continue reading

Using Limescale Removers To Clear Limescale From Household Appliances

durgol2In the context of home improvement, the term limescale refers to calcium carbonate precipitates which sticks on the surface of utensils like kettles and cooking pans. Before embarking on looking for ways to remove the precipitate, it is appropriate to understand how the compound is deposited on the surface of appliances. Most households across the UK use hard water in their kitchen and laundry rooms. In this case, hard water refers to water containing significant quantities of dissolved magnesium and calcium ions. Limescale forms whenever hard water containing calcium ions is heated above 600C. As a result, the high temperature leads to formation of solid calcium carbonate, which precipitates and sticks on metallic surfaces. Continue reading

What is Limescale Build Up?

Limescale A Household Problem?

durgol1For many households, the task of keeping your home clean and tidy is just a minor part of your busy cleaning schedule. The last thing you would need is either one of your most used kitchen appliances playing up or under performing, or your central heating system breaking. The main culprit for such misfortune could be down to the build up of limescale within your central heating systems pipes or kitchen appliances. It is a problem which many homes within the UK are having to deal with, and it is something which can be prevented. This article take a look at what is limscale build up, and how to treat it.

Limescale Build Up Explained…

People who stay in hard water areas must be very familiar with the term limescale. The word limescale may not sit well with everyone – in fact, the terms associated with it such as descaling; scum and furring are quite disgusting to the ears of many people. Limescale is a big issue that people have been battling with from time immemorial. They have spent a great deal of their time dealing with this revolting powdery white deposits on kettles, boilers, taps etc. But the main question remains – what is limescale build up? Continue reading

Lime Scale Remover And Descaler – Carrying Out Hygienic Care Ensuring Durable Surfaces

When it comes to cleaning the kitchen, including the surfaces, floor and appliances, one of the toughest tasks is removing limescale deposits from the insides of appliances. The task itself can be a tough one if not done properly, but can easily be done by following simple guides from the Internet or from the back of a branded limescale remover and descaler. The main cause of the build up is water which is used in your appliances. Continue reading

Limescale remover – A Must Have for Every Household

Limescale Build up, can be difficult to remove

When it comes to limescale, some people tend to ignore it and think it will go away by itself. They couldn’t be more wrong. Over time, limescale deposits build up in and around appliances in our home such as kettles taps and sinks, washing machines and most importantly your central heating system. This can lead to increased electricity bills as limescale deposits force your central heating system to work harder than previously to produce the same out put. This could all be avoided by keeping on top of the limescale build up. This article aims to provide information on ways to tackle limescale deposits. What exactly causes Limescale to form? How is it treated?
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Keep your appliances fresh with Limescale removal.

Deposit Build Ups and Limescale Removal

When it comes to completing daily tasks around our homes, we more than likely use a variety of different appliances to help. A number of these appliances perform these tasks using water, and with many areas throughout the United Kingdom being hard water areas, the probability of household appliances becoming damaged or affected by limescale deposits is pretty high. It is the household appliances we use most often are at risk, such as the dishwasher or washing machine.
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